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Evidence Assignment 

Design and architecture have a significant impact on the environment. When they are done properly, they can complement nature, creating a relationship between the two. However, poorly designed buildings can detract from nature's beauty and disrupt its natural balance. When an area's architecture and design are not in harmony with its surroundings, it can look out of place and take away from the landscape's aesthetic and natural beauty. On campus, the buildings match the landscape's aesthetic. The sloping clay barrel roofs and sandstone walls complement the environment.  The campus is also built to frame the flatirons and leave space where we can enjoy our natural surroundings.  Unlike some other areas around Boulder, the buildings and architecture are not well thought out to blend into the environment. Taking these images that depict both structures that complement and those that don't match the landscape, illustrates how humans are either mindful of the environment or careless. Through this series, I experienced just how important and how much of a difference it makes when architecture complements its surroundings. It changes your perspective on how you view the world.

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